Ewelina Bratko Blood, sweat and tears

supervisor: Prof. Piotr Gojowy
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Faculty of Fine Arts


Urodzona w 1990 w Szczecinie. W 2011 r ukończyła Liceum Plastyczne im. Constantina Brancussi w Szczecinie na specjalizacji reklama wizualna. W 2017 obroniła pracę dyplomową z wyróżnieniem, na Wydziale Sztuk Pięknych UMK w Toruniu pod kierunkiem prof. Piotra Gojowego.
Zajmuje się litografią oraz rysunkiem satyrycznym.
Udział w wystawach:
2015: Cykl wystaw pięciu pracowni Zakładu Grafiki UMK Pracownia Litografii 
2017: International Print Triennial Cieszyn

The cycle of the graphics was completely made in a black and white asphalt lithography technique. It has been printed on big formats to exaggerate ìproblemsî of the characters at the works. While printing, the color is not considered to be used. In the graphics there is only a black paint as a material that brings shades, gradients, washes and trickles. The main artistic tools used while an artistic process were old brush and mixture of an asphalt with a turpentine. The lines, in cycle, were painted with a big brush in an expressive gesture. The combination of suffering, illnesses and negative emotions which can haunt humans, is shown by the grotesque way of showing the characters. Monstrosity in the way to increase the artistic expression. By this kind of actions the author of the cycle treats the stencil as an object to convey her own anxiety and spontaneity at the same time.