Monika Sojka Two examples of emptiness, and we are between them
prof. Adam Romaniuk
Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice
Faculty of Art
Faculty of Art
Born in Tychy, Poland, in 1991.
Graduated from Leon Kruczkowski First High School in Tychy in 2010. Graduated with honors with a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, Poland (The Department of Art, field of study: Graphic Arts). Her diploma consisted of digital graphics - the main diploma, which was realized in the Professor Adam Romaniuk Studio - and two additional presentations: painting, completed in the Professor Jacek Rykała Studio, and posters, achieved in the Professor Roman Kalarus Studio. She is an especially passionate about painting, digital graphics, posters, photography and illustration.
Selected exhibitions:
- exhibition of students’ works from the studio of Interpretation of Literature, ‘Key study’, Gallery Rondo Sztuki , Katowice, Poland, 2012;
- exhibition of students’ works from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, Katofonia Jazz & Blues Club, Katowice, Poland, 2012;
- 8th Students Graphic Art Biennial, Municipal Gallery Arsenal, Poznan, Poland, 2013;
- exhibition of students’ works from the studio of Digital Graphics from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, ‘Doll’s instinct’, City History Museum, Katowic, Poland, 2013;
- exhibition of students’ works from the Professor Jacek Rykała Studio, Secondary School of Fine Arts in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland, 2013;
- exhibition of movie posters, Cropp Kultowe Movie Festival, Katowice, Poland, 2013;
- international competition for the best short comic form - ‘Julian Tuwim’, House of Culture, Łódź, Poland, 2013;
- exhibition of students’ works from the Professor Adam Romaniuk Studio of Digital Graphics from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, ‘Integrated circuit’, Galerie Koridor, Fakulta umění, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2014;
- exhibition of students’ works from the Professor Józef Budka Lithography Studio, ‘Roller in Rondo’ , Rondo Sztuki Gallery, Katowice, Poland, 2014;
- exhibition of students’ works from the Professor Roman Kalarus Poster Studio from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice , Bureau of Artistic Exhibitions, Olkusz, Poland, 2013;
- exhibition of students’ works from the Professor Roman Kalarus Poster Studio from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, Pałac Młodzieży, Katowice, Poland, 2015;
- exhibition of students’ works from the Illustration Studio from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice , Pałac Młodzieży, Katowice, Poland, 2015;
- Internet Gallery of the Month:, Górnośląskie Towarzystwo Literackie, Katowice, 2015;
- national competition for the best illustration created for Jeremi Przybora lyrics,
- Book Fair in Katowice, exhibition of students’ works from the Illustration Studio from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice , Spodek, Katowice, Poland, 2014;
- exhibition of students’ works from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, UMK Toruń, Poland, 2014;
- national competition for the best poster titled ‘My freedom’, Life Festival Oświęcim 2014, Center of Culture, Oświęcim, Poland, 2014;
- national competition for the best illustration created for Jeremi Przybora lyrics,
- 2. International Student Poster Biennale, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin, Poland, 2015;
- ‘Habitat’ - exhibition of students’ works from the Professor Adam Romaniuk Studio of Digital Graphics from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, FORUM Gallery, Toruń, Poland, 2015;
- international competition for Ex Libris project - Australian Bookplate Design Award, The Library at Docklands, Melbourne AUSTRALIA; Gallery on Sturt, Ballarat, Wiktoria, AUSTRALIA, 2015;
- international competition ‘Litho Kielce’, BWA Gallery, Kielce, Poland, 2015;
- International Reggae Poster Contest, Constellations (Liverpool, England, UNITED KINGDOM); Politis Newspaper (Nicosia, Cyprus), 2016;
- ‘Dyplomy 2016’ – presentation of fragments of the students’ diplomas from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, BWA, Katowice, Poland, 2016;
- ‘Pamięć jako wyzwanie’ - exhibition of students’ works from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice and Warsaw, the common project, Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, Poland, 2016;
- exhibition of students’ works from the Professor Jacek Rykała Studio of Painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej ‘Elektrownia’, Czeladź, Poland, 2016;
- TYCHY ART 2016 – exhibition of the Tychy artists, Miejska Galeria Sztuki ‘Obok’, Tychy, Poland, 2016;
- nomination for awards - 8th Students Graphic Art Biennial, Municipal Gallery Arsenał, Poznań, Poland, 2013;
- II prize - international competition for the best short comic form - ‘Julian Tuwim’, House of Culture, Łódź, Poland, 2013;
- I prize - national competition for the best poster titled ‘My freedom’, Life Festival Oświęcim 2014, Center of Culture, Oświęcim, Poland, 2014;
- Rector scholarship for the best students in the academic year 2013/2014, 2014/2015;
- III prize - national competition for the best illustration created for Jeremi Przybora lyrics, X ‘Stacja Kutno’ of the National Jeremi Przybora Festival, House of Culture, Kutno, Poland, 2014;
- scholarship of the Local Government of Tychy City ‘Quod discis, tibi discis’ for the outstanding students from Tychy for the academic year 2013/2014;
- honorable mention in the competition for the best promotional poster for the First International Festival of Analogue Photography - Vintage Photo Festival, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 2015;
- the main award – one of the four main awards - national competition for the best illustration created for Jeremi Przybora lyrics,
- XI ‘Stacja Kutno’ of the National Jeremi Przybora Festival, Kutnowski Dom Kultury, Kutno, Poland, 2015;
- publication in the anthology - international competition for the best short comic form, MFKiG, Łódź, Poland, 2013;
- special prize – individual exhibition - 2. International Student Poster Biennale, Lublin, Poland, 2015;
- qualification for the final exhibition - International Reggae Poster Contest, Constellations (Liverpool, England, UNITED KINGDOM); Politis Newspaper (Nicosia, Cyprus), 2016;
- distinction in the Professor Jerzy Fober Studio of Sculpture in the exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice at the end of the academic year, 2012;
- distinction in the Professor Jacek Rykała Studio of Painting in the exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice at the end of the academic year, 2014;
- scholarship of the Local Government of Tychy City ‘Quod discis, tibi discis’ for the outstanding students from Tychy for the academic year 2015/2016;
- qualification to participate in the national Fair Poster, Warszawa, Dom Towarowy Braci Jabłkowskich, 2016.
The artistic diploma work: ‘Two examples of emptiness, and we are between them’
‘Two examples of emptiness, and we are between them’ is a series of 9 digital graphics and was my main diploma work.
The title of a series is a quotation from Witold Gombrowicz novel ‘Kosmos’. This book was an inspiration for my process of creating the visual scenes. Each work from the series has its own fragment of ‘Kosmos’ text as a kind of a motto / source of inspiration.
The series of 9 digital graphics:
‘Two examples of emptiness, and we are between them’ - number 1:
„(...) nie mogłem nigdy wiedzieć w jakim stopniu jestem sam sprawcą kombinujących się wokół mnie kombinacji (...)”.
W. Gombrowicz, „Kosmos”
digital graphics, 100 x 140 cm, 2016
‘Two examples of emptiness, and we are between them’ - number 2:
„(…) wszystko było nie dość obecne i jak podcięte połowicznością jakąś (…) aż miałem chwilami wrażenie, iż siebie i innych widzę przez lunetę, z
W. Gombrowicz, „Kosmos”
digital graphics, 100 x 140 cm, 2016
‘Two examples of emptiness, and we are between them’ - number 3:
„To nie była ona. Ona była tam, w domu, w ogrodzie z małymi drzewkami ubielonymi, przywiązanymi do palików. Mnie też tu nie było. Ale, wskutek tego właśnie, byliśmy tutaj stokroć donioślejsi. Jakbyśmy byli symbolami nas samych”.
W. Gombrowicz, „Kosmos”
digital graphics, 100 x 140 cm, 2016
‘Two examples of emptiness, and we are between them’ - number 4:
„(…) zwiewność (...) historii (...) rozpraszającej się nieustannie (…)”.
W. Gombrowicz, „Kosmos”
digital graphics, 100 x 140 cm, 2016
‘Two examples of emptiness, and we are between them’ - number 5:
„Nikłość, nieuchwytność zmusiły nas do odwrotu (…)”.
W. Gombrowicz, „Kosmos”
digital graphics, 100 x 140 cm, 2016
‘Two examples of emptiness, and we are between them’ - number 6:
„(…) była zawiła, zamazana, nieczytelna (…) nieuchwytna i męcząca, mogłem wyobrażać ją sobie i tak, i siak, w stu tysiącach sytuacji, ujmować ją od tej i od tamtej strony, gubić ją i odnajdywać (…)”.
W. Gombrowicz, „Kosmos”
digital graphics, 100 x 140 cm, 2016
‘Two examples of emptiness, and we are between them’ - number 7:
„(...) zamajaczył jak gdyby ośrodek kształtu, zagęszczenie (...)”.
W. Gombrowicz, „Kosmos”
digital graphics, 100 x 140 cm, 2016
‘Two examples of emptiness, and we are between them’ - number 8:
„Byłem nieobecny. (...) prawie zawsze jest się nieobecnym, lub raczej nie w pełni obecnym, a to w skutek naszego ułamkowego, chaotycznego i prześlizgującego się, niecnego i podłego obcowania z otoczeniem (...)”.
W. Gombrowicz, „Kosmos”
digital graphics, 100 x 140 cm, 2016
‘Two examples of emptiness, and we are between them’ - number 9:
„(…) wzrok daremnie tłukł się o czerń, raczej o wielość rozmaitych czerni, zacierających – były tam czarne jamy, zapadające się, obok innych dziur, sfer, warstw, zatrutych półistnieniem i to zlewało się w rodzaj mikstury hamującej, opornej”.
W. Gombrowicz, „Kosmos”
digital graphics, 100 x 140 cm, 2016