Maja Michalska Daily Life in Poznan during Socialism
prof. dr. hab. Andrzej Bobrowski
University of the Arts Poznan
Faculty of Graphic Arts and Visual Communication
Faculty of Graphic Arts and Visual Communication
born in 1994.
In 2019 she graduated graphic art at the University of Arts in Poznań and defended her master's degree in the department of relief printing.
She combines technics like linocut, serigraphy, and offset print. She experiments with form and balance between usability and artist. Often she refers to the tradition of Polish posters and illustrations from 50-80. She also passes her fascination of esthetic from Socialism in Poland through her graphics. Usually, she communicates with spectators by humor and it is her door to interest people with more serious problems like vanishing, discrimination, depression.
She took part in 5 collective exhibitions and one individual.
Her biggest achievement was winning a Grand Prix for the best diploma at UAP in 2019 in Maria Dokowicz’s Competition.
My diploma project has a form of the book and the background witch is a recreated room from socialist time in Poland. A book includes 10 illustrations of different fields of citizen’s daily life, such as services, industry, sport, entertainment, and much more. Drawings are printed in offset technics and on top printed by dry print, made in linocut technics. Pencil’s grey simulates the grey of those times. Imprint suggests hidden, not much visible, second mining - like posters, and graphic used to have. On other pages, there is a description of real events, buildings, and items from the past, which are included in the illustrations. The whole project was made to get closer to the life of citizens in Poznan in socialistic times, to find out interesting stories, and to save memories from that period.