Justyna Patecka-Lasek Places of Pagan Cult in Poland in context of metaphysical art
prof. Anna Janusz-Strzyż
Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw
Faculty of Graphic and Media Art
Faculty of Graphic and Media Art
born in Krakow, Poland. Graduate from Graphics and Media Arts Department (Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw). Currently working on her Interdisciplinary PhD Diploma. Her interest consists mainly of traditional printmaking with emphasis on dry point and etching. The main theme of her works revolves around material and spiritual tradition of Slavs, transformed to the form of fantasy realism.
Inspiration for the creation of works are widely understood secrets of the old Slavdom. The exhibition will present graphics that enter the cycle "Places of pagan cult in Poland", the origin of which are inspired by the ancient sanctuaries of the faith of our ancestors. However, the place is just an excuse to tell a story. The world of Slavic fantasy fits with the real world. The figures from the bestiary card coexist with wild nature, which to this day exists in Poland. The graphics are a story about the roots of our culture as well as a testimony of identity.