Dorota Snopkowska Cycle of works "Naturelacje"

supervisor: Dr hab. Marcin Pawłowski
Pedagogical University of Krakow
Faculty of Art – Graphics


Dorothy Snopkowska (b. 1991) deals with printmaking and graphic design, also she is interested in pinhole photography, experiments in the field of multimedia and painting. In particular, she finds herself in traditional printmaking, which expands about experiments and modifications also combines it with her own techniques. main inspiration for her art is surrounding world, and in parti­cular part from the world of nature. Her work mainly are abstract, graphic „collages” connecting with each different matter. In 2016. Dorothy gradu­ated with honors on the Faculty of Arts on Pedagogical University in Cra­cow. DMaster’s degree created in the studio of graphic art under the direc­tion of UP prof. Marcin Pawłowski.

Dorothy Snopkowska is a winner of awards in the competition Print of the Year ‚16 and winning the competition on implementation the icorporate identi­ty of Festival Faculty of Arts in the City 2015.

Selected group and individual exhibitions: Wystawa pokonkursowa „Grafi­ka Roku ‘16”, Kraków 2016 /„Nasza Zima zła (?)”, Galeria Fundacji Sztuki no­wej Znaczy się, Kraków 2015 /„Proces- matryca” grupy „GR” ,Galeria Wydziału Sztuki UP, Kraków 2015 / Wystawach prac najlepszych studentów „Wydział Sztuki w Mieście 2015” Kraków 2015 /„Sen o Ameryce”, Muzeum Historii Fotogra­fii, Kraków 2015/ Wystawa pokonkursowa „Grafika Roku ‘14”, w Galerii LAMELLI, Kraków 2015 / Wystawa prac najlepszych studentów „Wydział Sztuki w Mieście 2014”, Kraków 2014 / ”Oko pierwotne”, Galeria 5A , Kraków 2013

The cycle contains abstract “collages” of different matters agitating the topic of nature. The graphics shows biological structures paired in different ways. The new graphic microorganisms came to life because of the elation of nature.