Dominika Popiołek Graphic Notation
dr hab. Stanisław Cholewa
Pedagogical University of Krakow
Institute of Graphics and Design
Institute of Graphics and Design
Born on 3rd April 1995 in Cracow. Graduated the bachelor's studies, graphic design, and master's studies Art.&Design at the Department of Arts of the Pedagogical University in Cracow. In 2019 she defended the Diploma. Winner of the Grand Prix in the competition Graphics of the Year 2017. In 2015 she participated in the Erasmus + Program at the Escola Superior de Disseny and d’Arts Plastiques de Catalunya. She is interested in analog photography, graphic design, illustration, and music.
Image and music are the code that stimulates the visual and aural perception of a viewer. It creates in his imagination some associations and various sensual impressions. By combining these two kinds of arts, I wanted to show how one can find some similarities between music and image and also that graphics can be interpreted differently, as an image or as an illustration of music.
In my opinion, that kind of synesthesia as well as the ability to connect different senses when reading works is a very interesting phenomenon. Despite the fact that this is a very subjective artist’s interpretation, it is worth knowing that it is possible and one is able to combine these two worlds to achieve the unpredictable sensual impression. I used my basic knowledge about music and visual skills acquired during printmaking studies and I tried to combine these two areas of art.
The cycle consists of five installations, which were built by applying two layers – images printed on a transparent substrate.
The graphic image was made by the irradiated structural web, modified to create a composition. The web associate with the stave in the music.
It organizes rhythm and it works as a background on which the elements of the composition are based. The structures and figures I used, create compositions inspired by music notation.
The rhythmicity of the element refers to the pace. The layers of the graphic associate with the temporal nature of the music. The transparent substrate on which the images are printed makes double images with visible accents, creates an optical illusion, and gives the impression of movement. So it is like a visual code that can be read and interpreted by musicians. The mobility of objects – graphic, allows you to create images in various configurations, which in the musical sense creates different rhythms and completely new scores.